Food Carts & Food Pods

Used Cooking Oil Disposal & Recycling for Food Carts

Over the past decade, food carts and trucks have been all of the rave. There’s something fun, different, and convenient about the food cart dining experience. However, difficulties lie in the logistics of operating a mobile restaurant in a confined space, specifically with disposing of used cooking oil and grease. This is where Northwest Biofuel can help, a leader in used cooking oil disposal and recycling for Oregon & Washington mobile restaurants for over 10 years. Northwest Biofuel makes the disposal process incredibly simple and efficient for food cart owner-operators.

The best approach to servicing food pods is to have all the tenants dispose of their used cooking oil into a single receptacle that is pumped out on an automated schedule. It is clean, automated and efficient for all parties involved. Additionally, as many food pods can generate a significant amount of used cooking oil you will likely be eligible for a rebate.

In addition to providing your food pod with used cooking oil collection we can also service the interceptor or grease trap.

Why Oregon & Washington Food Trucks Work With NW Biofuel

Here at NW Bio, environmental stewardship is our priority, as we’ve been a proud member of the Preferred Pumper Program for over 10 years. We take pride in our responsibility to serve the food carts, food trucks, people, and environment of Oregon & Washington. Give us a call or reach out online today to partner your mobile restaurant with NW Biofuel.